Month: October 2024
one year of arm stuff – part 9 – accessibility is a thing though! what about adaptive devices?
Okay so this is as good a place as any for this disclaimer: I am sharing my specific personal experience with disability, not speaking to the experience of everyone with any related or similar-sounding disabillities. I have lived with this particular disability for one year; i do not have a lifetime of experience, and additionally,…
one year of arm stuff – part 8 – okay but ARM recovery—
yes, yes, I’m getting to it. Fact is, there are no promises here. My right, dominant hand will never be the same. We triaged a degenerative condition, we aren’t healing an acute injury. This is so, so much harder on my brain, just as a framework for recovery at all. Right after surgery, I spent…
one year of arm stuff – part 7 – no, really, what has recovery been like?
God, I am actually having trouble staring this in the face. Recovery has been so fucking weird, guys. And I thought I knew about recovery! If you did the math, that was three years of wrestling through ankle recovery – two surgeries, 14+ pins went in and then came out again, I developed bizarre neuralgia…
still life with lemons in oil pastel
making these read yellow and not orange was tricky! i haven’t really gotten the hang of mixing these oil pastels to achieve custom colours yet. I can do it but I don’t really have a go to method, not a real understanding of which colours mix how. the mungyo and haiya ones, which were more…
one year of arm stuff – part 6 – recovery
So, first, a review of the facts so far: as of October 2023 they had cut out a piece of my radial nerve and sewn in a piece of my sural nerve, and I had begun the 2-3 year recovery process. The surgeon had informed me that first the nerve needed to grow over the…
one year of arm stuff – part 5 – wait, I have wrist pain/finger weakness/tingling in my hands too! what if…?
Two facts for you: I let this fucker grow in my arm for six years before I had the space in my head and my life (and the insurance coverage for the physio) to really chase it down. I don’t know how finding it sooner would have changed anything; I don’t know if we COULD…