Month: July 2016

  • Urban Fantasy Character Designs

    Urban Fantasy Character Designs

    Digital design lineup of four spunky teens off to investigate spirits in their city. Below are some of the process pages used to develop four complimentary designs, focusing at first on shape. Earlier development sketches available below.

  • URMYXI – Risograph Wizard Art Print Design

    URMYXI – Risograph Wizard Art Print Design

    Fantasy illustration of a powerful wizard generating multiple selves through chronomancy, centred around an all-seeing third eye, glowing with power. Drawn in ink, separated in Photoshop, printed by Colour Code Risography. The photoshop file really doesn’t tell you how magical the risograph will be, but if you’re curious: Detail shots of the print – and…

  • Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword Comic Sample

    Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword Comic Sample

    Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword is a one-off, 24 page, wordless fantasy comic about tripping across a cursed sword while lost in the forest. It was printed in 2014 in a split LP style Weald Comics anthology, and reprinted in 2017 as a risograph book. You can read the whole thing on Stories alongside…