Author: Shel Kahn

  • Wizard Puberty Zine

    Wizard Puberty Zine

    I started thumbnailing out my wizard puberty zine! I think there’s another edit pass on the text ahead of me though; I’m gonna do the first ten or twelve pages, maybe all the way to finish, so I know sort of what my visual language IS, and then go back to the text one more…

  • Levon Biss’s Phasmid Egg Photography

    Levon Biss’s Phasmid Egg Photography

    I came across detail shots of these on tumblr and had to go questing for more, and while it seems likely I’ve seen Levon Biss‘s work before, it’s been amazing rediscovering it after dipping my own toes into amateur macro photography. Sometimes these days when I watch movies or play games that use speculative designs,…

  • Bus Stop Crystal Island

    Bus Stop Crystal Island

    More neocolor II crayons on hot press watercolour paper! Learning these is taking some time; unfortunately much of the content on youtube about them is people trying them for the first time, and that’s really not helping me unlock their secrets! But as I keep digging I am finding more folks at least systematically testing…

  • Crossing Sign Crystal Island

    Crossing Sign Crystal Island

    Neocolor II crayons on hot press watercolour paper. This is my first piece done entirely with the neocolors – putting down layers, washing them into the paper, and adding more on top, over and over. They’re very fun, but it does require some hand strength to press them hard enough to get the richest colour…

  • Neocolor IIs and Watercolour Study

    Neocolor IIs and Watercolour Study

    I got a gift card in return for doing a friend a favour this winter break and I decided to spend it on caran d’ache neocolor II watersoluble wax crayons. I’ve had a couple colours for a while and not really … grokked them? But with a broader range of colours and values I am…

  • Gouache Spaceship Sketch

    Gouache Spaceship Sketch

    Berkey-inspired, done in one of muji’s very cheap and much-nicer-than-expected sketchbooks.

  • A Wizard of Earthsea and the Green Knight

    A Wizard of Earthsea and the Green Knight

    I’m rereading A Wizard Of Earthsea, and there is so much more Green Knight in this story than i ever noticed before. I wrote this up on tumblr in November, and I’m reposting it here for posterity, mostly mine. In summary: I think it follows many of the same beats and deals with the same…

  • Neon Dragon

    Neon Dragon

    Gouache and pencil crayon on paper. Some detail shots for the texture: And here’s the piece at the gouache only stage:

  • Bits of the City: Leuty Lifeguard Station Crystal Island

    Bits of the City: Leuty Lifeguard Station Crystal Island

    Watercolour on paper. I’ve been thinking about adding people to my crystal islands – and adding little urban elements as well. Bits of Toronto at least. We are a lake city after all, and these crystal islands were absolutely first and foremost lake islands. I don’t know yet what I might call this series but…

  • Dragon WIP Gouache Painting

    Dragon WIP Gouache Painting

    I loved the sketch for this and the painting isn’t quite capturing it, so I’m wondering if, at this WIP stage, it might make sense to go in next with pencil crayons and see if i can’t capture more of what I’m looking for gesturally.