the portable city

by definition, not static

status: archives being slowly restored, comics being relocated, new artwork and writing in the queue

Latest Proper Posts

  • mixed media test: failed haha

    i did a quick watercolour (first) and gave it a coat of fixative so i could try out layering oil pastels on top for a mixed media look (second), but I’ve hit a few challenges:

    • the oil pastels are very opaque and happily fully obscure the watercolour under them very very quickly
    • the fixative has reduced the absorbency of the paper so the pastels are staying greasy and moving around very easily, giving me wonderful nuance and also no control somehow at the same time
    • my original value plan was loose and crappy and had little contrast to speak of, not a strong place to start
    • and watercolour has, naturally, such incredibly dark values compared to oil pastels, that i can’t get them both in the same range whatsoever. i dug too deep into the darks, as it were.
    • also i had very little plan to speak of and a pretty terrible drawing, so this was maybe doomed from the start

    so likely I’ll toss this now and move on, but it has taught me a fair amount of interesting technical facts, which i plan to remember, and also reminded me of some basic truths about planning, drawing, and values, that i would like to remember but will probably ignore once again at some point in the near future.

  • WIP Knight in Oil Pastel

    this is the biggest thing I’ve painted yet with the oil pastels; gonna be working in it for a while

    i was looking at digital paintings from 2022, and thinking about the method I had started using back then of having a mark making stage and a blending stage as two separate things; and the oil pastels are letting me start to approximate the same workflow, but on paper! interesting…

  • Another portrait in oil pastel

    New challenge recognized: glossy black fur.

  • oil pastel dog portrait!

    finished this piece of a much missed lucky boy; oil pastel on canson mi-tientes paper.

  • oil pastel dog portrait in progress

    working on canson mi-tientes paper, which really let’s the pastel slide around despite the rougher side’s surface texture.

  • Wolf in oil pastel

    painted on canson mi-tientes pastel paper

  • Environment Design for Unannounced Solarpunk Game

    Environment Design for Unannounced Solarpunk Game

    Environment design exploring the possibility of using asset store models to populate the level without losing the worldbuilding and colour design. Created as a thorough guide for the level designer, including labelled assets and isolated colour palette information. We started with thumbnails painted from level blockout exploration to choose a location to build up: The…

  • What I’ve Learned About Teaching Art

    What I’ve Learned About Teaching Art

    I’ve had the privilege of teaching art in a variety of environments – from still life oil painting at the college level, to combining art with science and history in a museum setting, to guiding highschool students through creating a comics anthology. Through these very different settings, I’ve found a list of constants that, when…

  • The Ghost Houses of Phylinecra – Pocket Dungeon Zine & Pocket Pack

    The Ghost Houses of Phylinecra – Pocket Dungeon Zine & Pocket Pack

    The Ghost Houses of Phylinecra is a system-agnostic, story-heavy dungeon crawl about a community recovering after disaster, and how a goddess might try to understand mortal grief. The village of Phylinecra was a tight-knit community of artists and creatives, until it suffered a devastating flood. In the aftermath, as the survivors try to salvage their…


  • The Listening Station

    The Listening Station

    This short four-coloured risograph comic is a tribute to finding new music back when we had to go into a record store to do so. Set in the world of Lomy in the Abyss, which you can read on

  • By Crom! – Life Advice from Conan the Barbarian

    By Crom! – Life Advice from Conan the Barbarian

    By Crom! is a joke-a-panel autobio webcomic featuring life advice from the ever-practical, mighty-thewed Conan the Barbarian. It ran online from 2012-2014 and was collected into a book in 2016 thanks to amazing support on Kickstarter! As it ran, the art style changed significantly. Below you can read the original run of the webcomic for…

  • The Great Eeldragons of Penx Short Comic

    The Great Eeldragons of Penx Short Comic

    My comic for 1001 Knights, The Great Eeldragons of Penx. Swipe through to read the whole short comic.

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