Thanks to the Orb, they’d been living large outside of time — until it all came crashing down.
Stranded on a strange moon, four space pirates and one stowaway find themselves forced to discover what comes next.

Warp Riders is a fast paced, pulpy, and sapphic orb-and-planet novella. It grew out of a NaNoWriMo tweetfic, and since then I’ve polished it up quite a bit.
If you’d like to read it for free, I’m running it online in small chapters, like a webcomic – catch up and subscribe right here!
But I’m also offering it as a pdf and epub, and all the money raised there will go to me getting it properly set up for professional level self publishing, including funding me drawing interior illustrations. Pick up a copy for yourself here and I’ll send you updated versions as they happen!
If you love a little magic in your sci-fi, a little space wizardry spiced with queer romance, I think this might be your jam!
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